Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mini Roadshow: Team 3 Pit-Stop

EMRS Team 3 organised a mini roadshow- Pit Stop at NYP on the 9th of September, Tuesday from 10:30am-3:30pm. Our objective of this event is to learn about the process of planning and execution of an event from scratch. 

At the same time, we also learnt how to manage our time well to meet the deadlines given as well as how to market and display our products in a professional and appealing manner to our potential customers. 

We adopted the Formula 1 (F1) theme which revolves around the colours- black, white and red.

Pre-Event Preparation and Set up

During the pre-event, we brainstormed for many different themes for the mini roadshow. We managed to agree on the theme- Pit Stop as it is a catchy and relevant theme which will appeal to people of all ages. Pit Stop concept is to enable people to take a break from their hectic schedules and recharge themselves with our wide variety of products. 

To attract many customers to our booth, we painted our banner a bright red with bold black letters. We also added a race car to link it to the F1 theme. We managed to stay within the given budget as we re-used some of the items prepared by the previous batches of EMRS students. We managed to finish our props and planning within the duration given.

Our artists working on the car

 Group picture!!

The event itself

We divided the teams into groups. One group took charge of the collection of logistics at the fixtures room whereas the other took charge of the stocks and A&P props. We managed to complete the set-up around 10:15am. After which, we sent our 2 groups of mobile sellers out to do sales to reach out to more people. 

The various areas that we covered was mainly the engineering and business blocks. We approached lecturers, NYP students, non-NYP students, vendors, TEP students, etc. We provided them with a portable price list and delivered the products directly to them which makes them more inclined to buy our products.

Group photo of Team 3 together with Ms Quek

Our price list according to the theme!

Arranging products for mobile selling 

Adjusting the traffic light


After the event, we felt very exhausted but it was a worthwhile experience as we had a lot of fun engaging with customers and working as a team. After the event ended at 3:30pm, we tore down the props, returned the various fixtures and cleared up the venue. Thereafter, we proceeded to the room to count the remaining stocks and finalise the accounts. This was a really an eye-opener for us as it was the first time most of us have planned and executed an event from scratch.

 Counting stocks

In conclusion, we felt that our event was a huge success. We managed to exceed our sales target and learnt a lot about planning and executing an event. All in all, it was a fun and memorable experience for EMRS Team 3!