Tuesday, May 5, 2015

2015 Year 3 Sem 1, EMRS, mini road show, MSC Studio

Mini Roadshow at NYP, Nanyang Polytechnic – Team 3 ‘15
We were assigned to be in charge of the mini road show that would take place on 28th April 2015, Tuesday, from 10.30am to 3.30pm. We had to plan, split tasks so that everyone has a part to do. The objective of this event is for us to learn the elements and procedure of an event, come up with innovative ideas to promote our sales. This mini road show comprised ‘Cheers’ and ‘MSC Studio’.

 We were tasked the challenge to sell mostly non-popular things from MSC Studio and to reach the sales target of $250. We had to decide on the merchandise to sell and get them approved by our supervisor.

We also had to concentrate on details such as deciding the area that we want to put up our booth (making sure there is power point nearby), splitting up the set up crew, tear down crew and breaks timings for the individuals.

Under supervisor’s guidance
Rigorous discussion going ON
Laughter sometimes

Teacher’s briefing


“chop chop” “cut cut”


Our Poster!!!
Theme: Pump It Up!!!

On Tuesday, 28th April 2015, we split our tasks as follow: 2 people were allocated to bring down the fixtures, 3 people to set up the stocks on the booth, 2 people to set up the posters under Advertising and Promotion, and 1 in-charge to count the inventory and petty cash.


Stocks and Fixtures
Check, Count, Grab, Set Up


Dressed up for our Theme! Colourful!


During Sale:

2 of our team members aid mobile selling for sticky sweets, facial masks and etc., and were accompanied by one of the guys for cash handling. The rest stayed at the booth to guard the stocks, render customer service and handled cash. We set up a free photo booth so that students will get attracted to our booth. Initially, our whole team was nervous as we did not get our intended items to sell. We had very little confidence of ourselves.

Mobile selling team went to Koufu to attract and, successfully sold off our facial masks and one facial wash. Apart from Koufu, we also went to south canteen and engineering block. We then went back to the booth to restock our items.
We also set up a photo booth with emoji and props in order to attract more customers to our booth. Fortunately, as per our plan, we did attract many customers especially the Year 1s and got most our laptop sleeves sold.


Photo Booth and Customers




We made very good sales as we hit 60.06% of our target which has overwhelmed our confidence. Moreover, we have gained knowledge about each other’s strengths and weaknesses. We all worked as a team, volunteering to do what we are able to. Ultimately, we all learnt from one another. That’s all that matters J

Our Team!