Huat Ah! The Rise of Rooster
(Pre-ordering) - EMRS Team 2
The yearly Chinese New Year pre-order sales event for the year 2017 was co-ordinated and executed by EMRS Team 2. Our target audience includes the lecturers and students of NYP and the objective of our event was to sell Chinese New Year (CNY) goodies at affordable prices, providing the best value for dollar and at the same time, bring convenience to our customers.
Pre-event preparation
This event was planned 4 weeks before the actual execution. The two team members (Darwyn and Shi Xuan) with technical knowledge were tasked to edit the online ordering platform while the rest of the team were tasked to discuss on how we could accomplish our objective – make it convenient. The consensus of the team was to have the goodies delivered to the staff of NYP while students will collect their goodies at block B 409.
The advertising and publicity (A&P) team worked on how to decorate the booth as well as selecting the fixtures required for the booth. They also designed posters and brochures to put around NYP and mobile selling respectively. To complement our booths’ decoration, the A&P team also handcrafted a rooster mascot made from cardboard to match this year's’ zodiac.
Concurrently, the logistics and finance team helped to source for potential vendors and the entire team deciding on the products to sell.
Day 1
On the first day of the sampling session, team 2 agreed to meet up at 8.00am to start preparing for the set-up of the booth. A handful of us were tasked to cut samples of the goodies, the A&P team were doing final touch ups on the poster and the logistics team were at the logistics room taking the fixtures needed for the booth. Sales on the first day was not what we expected as we only had 9 orders and this was far from what we had initially expected it to be. Moreover, due to unforeseen circumstances, we only managed to set up the booth at approximately 11.45am. However, despite all the obstacles that we faced, we were motivated to make sales on the 2nd day better. Therefore, we were determined to find ways to improve the overall situation of the booth. Some suggested areas of improvement include elevating the product information and cutting the samples bigger.
Day 2
On the second day of the sampling session, the entire team gathered and had a briefing about the manpower plan in the morning. Subsequently, we proceeded to make some minor changes to the overall display of the booth and went on to set up the booth at the venue. We managed to complete the set up at 10.15am thus we commenced the sampling session 45 minutes before the intended timing. At approximately 11am, we started with the mobile selling and the crowd started to build up. The team realized that there was a larger crowd on the second day hence the sales was way better than the previous day and it met our expectations.
At 3.30pm, we started to tear down the booth and took turns to return the fixtures back to the logistics room. At the same time, we also started to key in the orders we have received in the excel sheet we have created.
Day 3
Due to the overwhelming response from our customers, we decided to extend the sampling session for one more day. We started off with the setup of the booth and at approximately 11am, we sent a group out for mobile selling/promoting. The sales on the third day was equally good and it also exceeded our expectations.
After the event, we collated the orders over the past 3 days and stopped taking in orders on the 13th January. The suppliers delivered the goods to us on 23rd January.
Tallying of stocks with the suppliers
Packing of Goods
Lastly, we provided free delivery for all NYP Staff and set up a collection place at B409A on the 24th February.
In conclusion, the whole event was a success! The responses received were overwhelming and our team managed to exceed the sales target of $6000. The entire team has displayed excellent teamwork and determination. Everyone took the initiative to help one and another when in need, thus creating a wonderful and joyous experience for both our customers and the team.