Date : 29th September 2016
Venue: The Foyer @ Block B
Time : 1pm - 5.30pm
The Smart Store of the Future Challenge Finals 2016 was sponsored by NTUC Fairprice, for NYP students to come up with designs for the future grocery stores. The event was fully planned and executed by EMRS Team 3.
OICs: Jiahe & Chi Han
F&B ICs : Nigel & WenPeng
Team Managers : Chen Feng & Jarin
Logistics ICs: Jessica & WenPeng
Emcees: Fai & Claudia
IT IC: Pearlyn
Ushers: Thivyan, Nigel, Adilah, Jue Yin & ShiMin
Timekeeper: Nicholas
The set-up for the banner was done on the 28th September 2016 at the Foyer @ Block B. Team 3 was split into two groups, one group went down to fixtures room while the other group went to Foyer to prepare for set-up. Poster stands were placed at the common areas of the business blocks, car parks as well as the main entrance @ The atrium to guide to the guests to the event venue. Photos were taken before movement of furniture, for us to shift it back into the original position. After the set-up, there was a final rehearsal in the morning to ensure that everything would go on well for the event.
The Event:
On the event day, Team 3 reported to the Foyer at Block B @ 9.15 am to start the set up for the event. Set-up was completed by 11 am. We had a final rehearsal for a hour and a half from 11 am to 12.30 pm, followed by a quick lunch before we reported back to the event venue at 12.30 pm.
1pm - Commencement of Registration for the participants!
The teams were getting prepared for their final presentation.
2pm - Arrival of Guests
The guests entered the room and immersed themselves in active conversations with each other before being ushered to their designated seats.
2.15pm- Arrival of our Guest Of Honour, Mr Gerry Lee!
2.35pm- Opening Address by Ms Loh Chuu Yi
2.45pm - 1st team to present - Team iNav!
(Pre-presentation nerves)
(During iNav Presentation)
3.10pm - 2nd team to present - Go Kart!
(Final adjustments right before presenting)
3.35pm - 3rd team to present - Team 27!
4.00 pm - 4th team to present - Team Lyche!
4.25 pm - And finally, Team Wanderers to wrap up the presentation
Plaques, Prizes and Certs to be given out!
(Plaques look so stylish)
Work Work Work!!
4.30 pm - Finally, Our Beloved Food Arrived!
Assortments of Siew Mais, Chicken wings , Fried Bee Hoon, Soon Kueh!
Prepared By FoodFest
4.45 pm - Judges having their final deliberation
5.00 pm - Prize Giving Ceremony
Closing Speech by GOH Mr Gerry Lee
5.05 pm - Prize Presentation Began
TEAM Penguins!
(Congrats guys! Well done!)
Competing Teams Before Prize Presentation
(Emcees announcing the prizes)
(Teams were nervous and excited while awaiting for results to be announced.)
2 Teams were awarded with the certificate of participation and vouchers worth of $500!
(and it went to Team Wanderers and Team iNav!)
(Well done Team Wanderers and iNav!)
The second runner up with the prize of $1,000 went to
Team Go Cart!
(Marvellous job to your team!)
The first runner up with the prize of $2000 went to Team 27!
(So Close)
Group Photos of the teams with our GOH, Mr Gerry Lee and the Judges!
(Team Lyche - Champion feeling Honoured.)
(Team 27 - Happy with their accomplishment)
(Team Go Cart, Driven to Success)
5.15 pm - Refreshment Time, FOOD!!!!
Snaps Of The Event!
Emcee Fai is all ready for the event!
Haven't even start event, but tired already! (Just Kidding)
Behind the Scenes!
Nicholas must be very hungry while WenPeng's Photoshoot Continues!
EMRS Team Having Fun!
The Champion Before and After with her buddies , JY & Jarin!
OIC Jiahe in Action!
Interview By NYP TV!
All the teams and guests left the venue by 5.40 pm. We started to clear up and arrange the furniture back to their original position. All the fixtures , poster stands and chairs were returned to the fixtures room. We had a de-brief by Miss Quek and afterwhich we left the Foyer @ Block B at 6pm.
Even though it was a short event, we had lots of fun and we also experienced a lot of different aspects of planning an important event. We would like to thank NTUC FairPrice, MakerSpace, Directors of NYP, Ms Quek, Mr Sudesh, and Ms Choo for having faith in our EMRS team and providing us with the opportunity to plan and execute the event. We would also like to thank the participants for giving their cooperation, because without them, the event would not be possible. We learnt that we have to keep calm and stay positive when there are unexpected problems. To conclude, the team handled the event with consistent enthusiasm, leading to a successful event. The team had huge smiles at the end of the event and we definitely moved closer as a team.