EMRS Team 2 Mini Roadshow: Treasures of
29th June 2016 - 1st July 2016
Outside Koufu
10.30am to 3.30pm
Team 2 with Mr. Sudesh
the event
team’s Mini roadshow, Treasures of Asia was the very first event in EMRS. For
this event we consigned goods from Sansesan Global Pte Ltd; a local distributor
for snacks. Our goal was to create awareness for their new products which
included cup noodles, potato rolls and teas. The theme, Treasures of Asia, had been
put in plan to showcase the different specialties from all over Asia.
The products that we have consigned
from Sansesan are snacks such as Tao Kei Noi, Cassava chips and house brands
like Conz & MyKuali cup noodles. Target audience of our Mini Roadshow will
be students and staff of Nanyang Polytechnic. In addition, we will be targeting
visitors and guests who visit to Nanyang Polytechnic.
Snacks neatly
displayed in Treasure boxes
twin objectives was to organize and execute while promote Sansesan’s new and
current products to students and staffs of Nanyang Polytechnic. Our target was
to achieve a sales of $1200 from the Mini-Roadshow.
To fully utilize the manpower
resources, we had divided the team of 12 to delegate different tasks. Our OICs are Syarif and Corlina, A&P-
Chao Xiang and Yiting, Logistics- Yuri and Jolene, and Finance- Ping Sheng and
Angelia. The rest of the team members work on Adhoc duties and also help every
other role when needed.
The process
of planning & preparing A&P decorations
Our Posters
& Menus
To make our advertising interesting, we
decided to create a 3D lighthouse that would help capture the attention of
patrons from all directions. Treasure chests and a ship cut-out that were
created from cardboard, were used to fully reinforce our theme. Not only that, we also designed posters and
flyers to remind, promote and inform students and staffs of the event.
Event Day 1
After weeks of planning, the day has
finally arrived!
Team 2 reported early at 8am for the
first day of the Mini Roadshow to stock-take, set-up our booth and put up
posters. At 10.30am, our mobile team and booth staffs were ready for operation.
We have three mobile teams that cover different areas in the school. At 3.30pm,
we returned all the logistics back to our storage and logistic room. After
packing up for the event, we had to return to the room to tally our stocks sold
with the amount shown on the POS machine.
The booth
set-up for our Roadshow
Pin sheng
wearing a sailor outfit and walking board for A&P
Tallying the
stocks with the amount shown on the POS machine
Event Day 2
Since it was the second day of the
event, we were familiarized with the set-ups. Therefore, we were more organized
when setting up the booth and was more familiarized on where to place the props
and our stocks. Unlike day 1, two of our team members were absent thus we
reduced the number of mobile selling teams from 3 to 2.
We also managed to completely sell out
all of the Ginger Tea on the second day; one of the main doubts we had when
selecting our stocks. The sales on the second day was better than expected, as
most students were having their ICAs.
Event Day 3
As it was the final day of the event,
we were determined on pushing our sales. We had a proper stock count before
bringing down all of the stocks down so as to avoid any discrepancies, followed
by a short briefing for our mobile sellers. And off we go!
Our mobile seller working hard to sell
off the last few items in their bucket. Look at the smiles on our customers
conclusion, we achieved sales of $1685, which is $485 above our sales target.
This was a great opportunity for us as most of us did not have experience in
planning events before coming to EMRS. Through this event, we have learnt
important lessons about teamwork and coordination which will aid us in our
future projects and eventually in our careers. Working together in a team is
not easy but we managed to overcome our personal differences and carry out the
event smoothly. Thus, this was an experience that would definitely add value to
our lives.