The planning stage started on 3rd June 2014. We started off with designing the posters for the event and due to the sensitivity of the products, lots of editing was required for the posters. For instance, no female graphics are allowed in the campus. Hence, the approval process took almost 2 weeks.
Final Approved Poster
Three days before the event, we went around the school to place our posters so as to create awareness for our event. We also created a buzz in different social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram about our event.
Facebook Page
Instagram Shoutout
Just one day before the event, we began to set up at 10.45am by moving fixtures to the Auditorium Lobby. We met up with our client and began to arrange the products by unpacking them into the wagons according to the different sizes.
Display of mannequins
Packing up on Day 1
Actual DayWe were overwhelmed by the crowd response, as initially we felt that the sensitivity of the product may affect the sales. Last minute add-ons were made for swim suits and other fashion intimates for Day 2.
Day 1 Morning Crowd
Day 1 Afternoon Crowd
After an exhaustive 2 day sale, the event came to a closure. We are very thankful to be given this opportunity to work with Triumph and we thank all students and staff who came down to support our event.
Team 3's group photo with Triumph