Monday, July 1, 2013


A team building activity was organized for the EMRS students on the 27th June 2013 1pm – 5pm at the Sports Hall. The purpose of this event is to allow the current batch of EMRS students and the new batch of EMRS to bond together.

The overall ICs for this event were Shawn, Justina and Anita and we have to plan several games which would bond the EMRS students and also consider the restrictions due to the haze. Finally we came out with a mathematics amazing race. Shawn came up with the name of this event ‘Matheletic’, which is a combination of ‘Mathematics’ and ‘Athletics’. A few days before the event, the team carried out an inspection of the venue to draft out a floor plan in order to plan the route for each team.

On the actual day of the event, the students reached the indoor Sports Hall punctually. They were split into teams of 6 or 7. There was a warm up game for them – Double Whacko. After the warm up game, the teams proceeded with their respective routes.

Shawn grouping them
Team members mingling
Gavin (one of the station masters) giving instructions on the game ‘double whacko’.
Charlene getting  ‘whacko-ed’!

Rubber band Relay
Rubber band comes to me ...

Shi You: Guess I have to bend down

 Quiz Station
Teams gathered at the Quiz Station

Shawn, the station master, sitting like a boss! (but he is really the boss of this game station…)

Drawing Relay Game
Guess what this is??

Straw Tower
Team members brainstorming on how to build a tower with the limited resources provided.

Teams attempting to build their tower (as high as possible)

One of the completed towers 

Hula Hoop Pass
Trying out the Hula Hoop (The last person has to hula hoop 10 times)

Game in Process

Dog and Bone

Team members deciding on their numbers
The bone of the game
Let the battle begin! 

Every team came out with the equation quite fast which was quite unexpected for the ICs.

Equation from two teams

The amazing race race ended earlier than expected and hence the supervisors grouped us to play captain ball. The EMRS students (include the OICs and station masters) were split into 3 teams. Every match was quite intense and we ended up with a draw.
In conclusion, the event was quite successful. The students were quite participative and they got to know one another better. Cheers to everyone!! :D